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  • Free delivery in mainland France for orders over €70

Secure payment

So that you can place your order safely, Maison Brémond 1830 has chosen Paypal as partner and the secure payment interface certified by Visa and Mastercard.
You can pay by card or via the Paypal payment system.


When paying by VISA card or Mastercard your purchase online at Maison Brémond 1830, an authentication page of your bank will open automatically and a message will ask you to enter your security code "Verified by VISA" or "Mastercard Securecode". This code is managed by your bank and will be sent directly to your mobile phone in the form of an SMS.
Please note that the confirmation mode may vary from bank to bank, but the majority have chosen the SMS confirmation solution.
This security system offers you several advantages :
You are the only one to receive and know the password and therefore to be able to validate your transaction.
This system allows your bank to confirm your identity when you pay online.


With Paypal, payment is made without entering your bank details. Simply use your email and Paypal password.