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Choose a terrine de campagne, origin: France

Discover a whole variety of terrines de campagne made with 100% French products (with the exception of some spices). This is what gives Solange Telme terrines their quality.
The jars are filled by hand with a fork to obtain the perfect texture. The majority of the products to be found here are free of colouring agents, flavour enhancers and preservatives. No frills, just the essential ingredients for the perfect terrine.
Enjoy these terrines with fresh or toasted country-style bread, with croûtons, on blinis or with a salad. For a delicious touch, add a few walnuts, figs or gherkins.

Provencal terrines with a variety of flavours

Solange Telme has dreamed up surprising recipes for a cocktail party with an original touch.
For example, the subtly strong taste of the terrine with pastis, the terrine with lavender for a floral touch that goes beautifully with the terrine, braised peppers and even summer truffle for a prestige cocktail.
See our more classical recipes, such as duck terrine or friton of foie gras. Each ingredient has been carefully selected for our quality terrines de campagne. See all our Provencal appetizers in the dedicated category.
And why not accompany your choice of terrine de Provence with tapenade, olive paste, anchoiade or even aubergine caviar on little savoury biscuits or country-style bread. Prepare a Provencal meal or cocktail party with the products in this category. Find the best of Provence in these sauces, chutneys and condiments.